Pueblo Strong.
Blue Collar Proud.
Pueblo and Southern Colorado are home to a proud tradition of steel making and advanced manufacturing that pre-dates Colorado statehood. Nearly all of us who call Pueblo home work, or know someone who has worked, at the steel mill or at one of the many new advanced manufacturing facilities that have chosen to locate in Pueblo because of our strong work force, community values and get it done spirit. Manufacturing not only supports thousands of high paying jobs, it supports our schools, our restaurants, our small business owners. Manufacturing isn't just what we do, it's part of our history, our heritage. It's who we are.

Today Pueblo is home to some of the most technologically advanced and environmentally responsible manufacturing in the United States. Companies like Evraz Steel, CS WInd, Collins Aerospace and others are literally building the infrastructure for the clean energy economy of tomorrow and investing in research for new processing techniques, emissions controls and energy sources. 150 years later, Pueblo, Colorado is still the City that is building the West. President Biden even recently visited Pueblo to celebrate the importance of our community and companies like CS Wind to our nations' infrastructure and economic vitality.
But today, radical outside forces are threatening
our history, our heritage and our future.
Radical outside environmental groups and their allies in the Colorado legislature have proposed several pieces of legislation that would shut down manufacturing in the state of Colorado. If these bills become law they will have a devastating impact on Pueblo and Southern Colorado. Pueblo needs your voice now to urge state legislators to vote against these reckless, irresponsible, job killing bills.

SB 24-166
Job Killer
SB24-166: Hurts Colorado Manufacturing Without Helping Our Environment
SB24-166 upends our state permitting and enforcement system without in any way guaranteeing cleaner air. The bill creates a punitive, unaffordable, economically damaging – and environmentally ineffective – regime to address air quality violations. It replaces Colorado’s very effective current system, with a needlessly rigid system that overrides sound science and regulatory common sense.

HB 24-1338
Job Killer
HB24-1338: Unfairly Stigmatizes hard working blue collar communities
HB24-1338 would give an unelected unaccountable commission the power to designate communities like Pueblo as being Disproportionately Environmentally Impacted Communities without any input from the local citizens or elected officials. Such a negative label would hamper our communities ability to attract and retain new jobs and is the first step toward creating "special rules" to shut down manufacturing in the designated communities.
Passed out of Committee!
Passed out of Committee!
Charles Perko
President, Local 3267
"Steelworkers and our families have been the backbone of the Pueblo community for more than 150 years. When steel is strong, Pueblo is strong. We at the United Steelworkers stand with leaders from across Southern Colorado to protect family-sustaining jobs and keep our economy growing."
Jeff Shaw
Pueblo Economic Development Corporation
"Our mission at the Pueblo EDC is to attract and retain good paying jobs for the Pueblo community. Our economic development strategy depends on the manufacturing industry."
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